The Honey Process


Our process is more than just beautiful branding, our goal is to partner alongside our clients to create an experience that’s just as incredible as the end product. You’ll gain valuable insight that will help elevate your business and reach your goals.

A custom process as
unique as your business

No two projects are ever the same. From start to finish, we cater our entire process to your brand's needs. Adaptive communication preferences, custom proposals, shared project calendar, all to ensure you stay in the know and get the attention you deserve.

a process
designed for you

No two projects are ever the same. From start to finish, we cater all of our communication based on your preferred methods. Feel more comfortable on the phone instead of Zoom? You got it! Don’t have time for meetings? Cool! We’ll share recorded walkthrough videos to deliver concise explanations and save you time.

What makes us different

Long-Term Relationship

There’s a reason why over 70% of our current client lineup has been with us for 4 years and 98% have been acquired through word of mouth. It’s because we believe in our clients passion and they believe in ours!


Our beautiful design is more than that—it’s functional, inclusive, and accessible. We’ve done our homework (and are continually learning!) about the latest accessibility standards for users with disabilities.

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Honest Communication

From strategy workshops to weekly updates, you’re never in the dark about where we are in the process. Our clients have access to dedicated timely support, guidance, and experienced insight from the start to finish.

Our Humble Hive Promise

Client service is our top priority. We adhere to a 48-hr response time, shared project calendar, and regular check-ins because your time matters.

48-hr response time, shared project calendar, and regular check-ins because your time matters.

Brand & Website
Design Process

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Once you’ve decided to move forward, we’ll get the Honey housekeeping out of the way like deposit, contract, and a shared project calendar.

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Together, we’ll review your preferred methods of communication, calendar, and create a Brand Perception Survey to send to your key stakeholders to gain valuable insight.

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Part workshop, part coaching, this session is imperative to the process and involves 4-5 hours of strategic deep-diving into your brand.

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The best part! We present refined visual identities that includes a scalable logo suite, colors, typography, pattern or icons, and sample mockups to show it in action.

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Based on your brand needs, we’ll then create three custom collateral items that are an extension of your visual identity. We’ll also include all social media profile/cover imagery.

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You guessed it! We’ll combine our brand strategy insight and apply it to your website to identity specific calls to action and determine the ideal site map.

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After our strategy session, we’ll dive into creating copy for your site and designing high-fidelity mockups.

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Next we’ll develop and test the site using a web builder that’s perfect for your custom needs.

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It’s ready for the world! You’ll receive launch social media graphics and we’ll provide training tutorials for your site.

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