

Who They Are

A nonprofit organization working to free communities from human trafficking and ensure every survivor has the freedom to flourish. EverFree provides a unique approach to fighting human trafficking by combining a coalition of grassroots supporters and survivor-led initiatives to demand policy change, rebuild lives, and replicate sustainable freedom for all.

Our Goals Together
  • To assign powerful and meaningful strategy to EverFree’s branding that highlights its unique mission and efforts.
  • To develop a strategic message to empower the community to take action. 
  • To share survivor-led stories with creative collateral.
  • To encourage participation and support through brand materials. 
What We Did

The Overhaul

  • Brand Strategy
  • Revised Color Palette
  • Revised Typography
  • Collateral
  • Illustration
  • Ongoing Honey-Do Days
  • Website Design

sweet words

A beautifully produced product, but also Andi managing so much of the back and forth with the printer was an enormous weight off my shoulders! 
Amie Gosselin

Visit the full site online at everfree.org


projects + brands