How to Get People to Feel Something With Your Branding

Have you been tugging at your audience’s heartstrings with your branding? If not, you’re gonna want to start. Whether your goal is to make your audience feel happy, sad, curious or nostalgic, it’s so important to have existing and potential customers associate your brand with a certain emotion.

Simply put, consumers are much more likely to invest in and be loyal to a brand that they feel emotionally connected to. So, we give emotional branding a big honey stamp of approval.

Brand Marketing Strategy

Whether you’re launching a new startup or you’re doing a small business rebranding, it’s important that you keep in mind the emotional aspect of marketing and brand strategy. Here’s everything you need to know about the role of feelings in your strategies:

Related Post: Reasons to Use Branded Social Media Graphics

Two Levels of Feeling

There are two levels of feeling involved in emotive brand strategies: ‘feels right’ and ‘feels good’.  

The first goal is to get people to be convinced that the brand feels right. They start to feel this when they consciously think of the purposeful promise of your brand. 

The second goal is to get customers to feel good when they think back on the emotional experience that they got from dealing with your brand, trying your products or services, and communicating with your people.

How Emotional Connection Works for Your Brand

It’s easy for people to recognize the benefits of technological innovations for branding, but not many business owners have a clear idea of how emotional connection could be transformative for their brands. Here are some of the emotional connections’ benefits:

It Helps Solidify Your Position

When you mean more to your audience—those who are a part of your company and those who are not—care more about what you do or say and recognize you as an authority in your field.

It Helps You Get Ahead of the Competition

When you’re able to connect to your audience emotionally, you could emerge as the frontrunner in your industry, perhaps even the lone player in a category that’s only based on meaning.

It Helps You Thrive in a Challenging Environment

Now, more than ever, people need brands that they can rely on emotionally—brands that they feel would be there for them no matter what. These are brands that also show resiliency no matter how turbulent their journey might be. When you emotionally connect with people, they root for you and give you a reason to keep improving your business.

Best Practices for Emotional Branding

Focus on Emotions Even Through Visuals

Emotions are essential for effective neuromarketing because it makes such an impact on your subconscious. 50% of your brain processes visuals, so you need to pay attention not just to your identity but to visual elements like colors, fonts, logos, and movement, which can all create emotional experiences.

Customize Interactions

The human brain has a self-serving nature meaning it wants to make itself happy and satisfied, among others. That’s why it’s logical that you focus your interactions on ensuring that they feel unique to you. Create options for personalization, so every customer gets a tailored experience.

Respond to Issues Immediately

You have to be aware of your timing, especially when dealing with major issues. Consumers like brands that immediately respond when they commit an error, whether or not they are called out on it.

Build Your Emotional Branding Strategy

Emotional branding strategies, when done right, can help you gain life-long customers. Even the most brand-agnostic customers can be impacted by emotive marketing. Even for a small business, rebrand strategies can work wonders.

Honey Creative can provide you with small business rebrand strategies that are emotive and effective. Contact our team today and learn how we can help your business thrive.

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