
Four CSS Tricks to Customize Any Squarespace 7.1 Website

Squarespace is a popular website builder and a honey favorite that provides an easy-to-use platform for creating beautiful websites. While Squarespace offers a variety of customization options, sometimes you need a little extra CSS to get the look you want and stand out from the crowd. In this blog post, we’ll share six CSS tricks …

Four CSS Tricks to Customize Any Squarespace 7.1 Website Read More »

A woman sitting on a bed reading Profit First

How to Use Profit First

As much as I wish I could just design all day and never have to worry about the financial elements of business ownership, I know that if I want Honey to grow then I gotta get my head in the accounting game. With that being said, I’ve recently taken a hive dive into a book …

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Game-changing Free Resources for the Budget-Conscious Business

Owning a small-business means that some days you’ll get the glory of being a founder but most days you’ll be a jack of all trades and a master of none. From graphic and web designer, accountant, to  customer service representative and office custodian—who else is gonna take out the trash?! Sound familiar? It can be overwhelming …

Game-changing Free Resources for the Budget-Conscious Business Read More »