Andi Dunn

5 Best Bars in Nashville

We spend our days  conceptualizing unique  designs for our clients, and every so often, we like to enjoy some local libations  to celebrate! And while there’s no shortage of fantastic nightlife in Nashville, we tend to frequent the places with aesthetics that wow us. Occupational hazard, right?  We appreciate how design spans into all sorts …

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A woman sitting on a bed reading Profit First

How to Use Profit First

As much as I wish I could just design all day and never have to worry about the financial elements of business ownership, I know that if I want Honey to grow then I gotta get my head in the accounting game. With that being said, I’ve recently taken a hive dive into a book …

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Waggle – Small Business Resources

Did you know bees ‘waggle’ to communicate to their fellow workers they’ve found a good source of nectar? Sweet, right? Wondering why it matters? Well, besides the fact that it’s adorable, it’s also the inspiration behind Waggle, Honey’s small business resource library. Waggle is intended to communicate with clarity to hives like yours (non-profits and …

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What Does a Creative Director Do & How to Become One: Sit Down with Andi Dunn

Creative directors are the creative leads at companies who design, develop, and deliver a strategic vision for clients. In a nutshell, they leverage their creativity in a meaningful way by making the everyday things around you beautiful and visually intriguing. If you have a passion for all things art and design, you may have wondered, …

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